Another gorgeous day and Jaden and I met Kelly and her daughter, Henley, at the Dallas Zoo for "Boo at the Zoo". This is another opportunity for kids to wear their halloween costumes and run around the zoo like wild animals while looking at wild animals. It was a festive day with music, singers, a magic show, treats for the kids and of course the zoo animals themselves. We stayed for almost 4 hours! Jaden was out within 5 minutes of the drive home. That ranks as a 5 star day in my books.
Jaden gives his best "Hi-Yah!" in this pose with some unknown super-fighter (or villian?).
Jaden and Henley hanging out.

Oh my goodness Brenda he's is such a handsome little boy!!! He's going to be a heart breaker!! I LOVE HIM!!! I miss him so much.. :-( I think he should marry Zara lol..
Zara's going to have to wait in line girlfriend! :o)
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