SATURDAY - In the morning I took the dogs to our monthly frisbee playday. It's a chance for them to run and stretch their legs a bit. Jeremy and Jaden chilled out at home and had breakfast. I got home by 11am, took a quick shower and Jaden and I headed out to meet his friends for a playday at an indoor play center. We stayed there for about an hour and then we all went to have lunch at Campisi's (pizza). After we left there, Jaden and I drove all the way down to downtown Dallas to go to the Crow Collection Museum in the arts district. It was opening day for their Asian art collection, but more importantly, there were Tibetian Buddhist monks working on a mandala (sand painting). Depeneding on the size of the mandala, this could take days or weeks. Next Saturday they destroy the finished painting in a closing type ceremony. I found a website that has a pretty good link and description of a sand mandala:
To quote from this website:
Traditionally most sand mandalas are destroyed shortly after their completion. This is done as a metaphor of the impermanence of life. The sands are swept up and placed in an urn; to fulfill the function of healing, half is distributed to the audience at the closing ceremony, while the remainder is carried to a nearby body of water, where it is deposited. The waters then carry the healing blessing to the ocean, and from there it spreads throughout the world for planetary healing.
They had some arts and crafts for the kids at the museum. Jaden got to make his own mandala (with elmer's glue and colored sand) and he also make a bracelet of Buddhist prayer beads. It was a fun day and a cool experience. Here is a picture of Jaden sharing his mandala. Like the statue I had him stand in front of?

After a quick break at home we went to a social party at a friend's house for the dog frisbee club (sans the dogs). Jaden was the only kid there, but he had a blast playing with their 5 dogs! Needless to say, by the time we went home (10 PM) he was out! Good thing we brought his PJs!
SUNDAY - We took Jaden to the park so he could ride his bike and play on the play ground. Other than that, we did absolutely NOTHING! We were so lazy! Oh well, I guess we needed a break.
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